10 Steps to an Active YOU

We all know how important it is to be active. The good news is that you don't have to do an intense workout to feel the benefits of exercise, brisk walking counts too. Just 10 minutes of brisk walking can get your blood pumping, improve your mood, as well as reduce your risk of long term health conditions. Here are 10 steps to get you started. Because there's only one you.

STEP 1 Take 10 minutes

Ten minutes is all you need. walking briskly for just ten minutes a day can improve your health straight away. Doctors say that everyone should be active for around 150 minutes a week. A brisk ten-minute walk is an easy way to get you started.

STEP 2: Download the Active 10 app. Even if you are not active yet, you can get going with our free new Active 10 app. The app is handy in that it tracks your walking to tell you when you're walking briskly and how many minutes you've been doing for.

Brisk walking can reduce your risk of long term health conditions like heart disease and cancer.

STEP 3: Get your shoes on. Unlike other types of exercise, with brisk walking you don't need any fancy gear, figure hugging Lycra, or expensive extras. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes. It helps if your shoes fit you properly and gives you the proper support. Trainers are best because they are lightweight and breathable.

Brisk walking is free and can even save you money on travel costs.

STEP 4: Keep it brisk. Walking is good but brisk walking is better. picking up the pace to get your heart rate going is the bit that unlocks the most health benefits. And its easy to know when you're doing it right; you'll be breathing faster and feel warmer. but if you want to be sure, download the Active 10 app.

If you're walking briskly you can talk, but you cant sing. Its true, try it.

STEP 5: Do it anytime. What's great about walking is that it can easily fit in your schedule. Whether its taking the dog out, walking on the school run, or going for a lunchtime walk, its one of the simplest ways to fit some activity into your day.

STEP 6: Make it fun. We know getting active can feel like a chore, But unlike other workouts, there are plenty of ways to keep walking fresh and fun-invite your friends along, walk to some music or mix up your routes.

Brisk walking can help manage your weight.

STEP 7: Don't be nervous. everyone's different but many people say they don't like exercising because they feel nervous, uncomfortable, or generally unsure about the whole thing. The great thing about walking is that there is none of that. you can be confident that just by putting one foot in front of the other, you're on your way to being healthier.

Brisk walking improves your mood and your quality of life.

STEP 8: Stay motivated. Sometimes its easier said than done. But to help you get those walking shoes on every da, keep using the Active 10 app which tracks your walking, and keeps you motivated with lots of tips and tricks. Also, run through the tips in this guide to remind yourself of all the amazing benefits.

STEP 9: Build up to 30. Walking briskly for ten minute is an excellent start to a healthier, happier you. But the more walking you do, the better. Why not work your way up to walking for thirty minutes  every day? You might not be ready yet, but after using the free Active 10 app for a while. you'll feel ready to change your goal and get even fitter. go for it.

Brisk walking daily helps with muscle and bone pain, making everyday tasks easier.

STEP 10: And there's more. remember, there are loads of other ways to get active. You can find lots of more advice, hints and tips on how you can move more, sit less and build your strength on the One You Moving page.

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Public Health England


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